all postcodes in SA67 / KILGETTY

find any address or company within the SA67 postcode district

Postcode Area

SA / Swansea

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SA67 8AA 4 0 51.790222 -4.817451
SA67 8AB 3 1 51.779864 -4.818444
SA67 8AD 3 0 51.772038 -4.805388
SA67 8AE 2 0 51.768178 -4.797278
SA67 8AF 2 0 51.761803 -4.796464
SA67 8AG 4 0 51.763369 -4.813256
SA67 8AH 9 0 51.768856 -4.822179
SA67 8AJ 8 0 51.763351 -4.840141
SA67 8AN 3 0 51.743979 -4.831928
SA67 8AP 17 0 51.759509 -4.847291
SA67 8AR 8 0 51.761174 -4.848324
SA67 8AS 20 1 51.75919 -4.854866
SA67 8AT 3 0 51.757346 -4.86278
SA67 8AU 1 0 51.756328 -4.867133
SA67 8AW 5 0 51.749515 -4.84885
SA67 8AX 2 0 51.754056 -4.866006
SA67 8AY 3 0 51.745876 -4.858823
SA67 8AZ 1 0 51.746582 -4.851839
SA67 8BA 6 0 51.748803 -4.875452
SA67 8BB 5 0 51.757793 -4.867154